Josh DeAraugo

Whether it’s a birthday party or wedding reception or any kind of event where a good time is required, I love providing that.

One thing I’ve spent a lot of time getting right is knowing what songs to play at what time. I never use a set list.
I just read the room and play the song that is needed and nothing is better than taking requests. It makes for the ultimate crowd experience.

I know hundreds of songs and whether it’s a sing along that has everyone arm in arm, swaying back and forth, singing at the top of their lungs, a flat out dance song that brings out all the best moves or it’s the entire room belting out a “BUP BUP BAAAH” when I sing “Sweet Caroline”, the right song at the right time is the key.

Whether you’re looking for an acoustic musician, a duo, trio, or maybe you want the whole shebang with drums and all, I’m sure I’ll be able to provide exactly what you’re after.

I provide all the necessary equipment that I need including PA and lighting and pride myself on a high quality performance that looks and sounds great, I’m always on time and we always have a good time

Thanks for checking me out

Located in Bendigo, Victoria
Say hello to Josh DeAraugo!